Monday, February 4, 2019

CBSE Social Studies Most Important Questions

CBSE Social Studies Most Important Questions
1. Why were big European powers met in Berlin in 1885?
Why were merchants from towns in Europe began to move countryside in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
Why did Charles Booth, a Liverpool ship owner conduct the first social survey of low skilled workers in the East End of London in 1887?
European powers met in Berlin in 1885 to complete the carving up of Africa among them.
Merchants began to move countryside in 17th & 18th century-
(i) Merchants could not expand production within towns.
(ii) The trade guilds restricted the entry of new people into the trade in towns.
(iii) Any other relevant point Any one point to be examined.
Charles Booth conducted the First Social Survey-
He wanted to study the condition of low skilled workers.
2. Why did the Roman Catholic Church impose control over publishers and booksellers?
Why do novels use vernacular?
Roman Catholic Church imposed control over publishers and booksellers-
It was feared that if there was no control over what was printed and read then rebellious and irreligious thought might spread.
Novels use vernacular-
Because it is spoken by the common people.
3. Classify resources on the basis of origin.
Classification of resources on the basis of origin-
Biotic and Abiotic
4. ‘A challenge is not just any problem but an opportunity for progress.’ Analyse the statement.
A challenge is an opportunity:
Overcoming a challenge gives an opportunity to go up to a higher level than before.
Q. Minerals are deposited and accumulated in strata of which rocks?
Minerals are deposited and accumulated in strata of sedimentary rocks.
Q. Explain any three reasons for which the multi-purpose projects and large dams have come under great scrutiny and opposition in the recent years.
Multi-purpose projects and large dams have come under scrutiny because of the following reasons:
  • Large dams affect the natural flow of rivers. This results in hampering the flow of sediments. Excessive accumulation of sediments in the water reservoirs causes damage to the marine life.
  • The dams on the floodplains submerge the vegetation and soil leading to its gradual decomposition.
  • It causes destruction of the forest areas and the displacement of tribal and local communities.
  • The construction of big dams destroys the natural surroundings and biodiversity of an area.Q. Why does the pattern on net sown area vary from one state to another?
    In Punjab and Haryana, the net sown area is more than 80% of the total land in the state. On the other hand, it is less than 10% in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In these states, the proportion of net sown is low because
    • These states are covered by dense tropical forests.
    • These states receive very heavy and a large amount of rainfall.
    • The topography and soil types are not favourable for the cultivation.
    • These states are still considered as backward where the farmers or peasants are economically poor and do not have access to technological resources. 
    Q.  What is organised sector? Describe its working conditions.
    Organised Sector : Organised sectors are the sectors where all the policies and regulations formulated by the Government regarding the general condition of employment are followed.  People have job security in this sector.
    Working conditions in an organised sector are stated below:
    (i) Fixed working hours: In organized sector working hours are fixed. If employee is working after the fixed time, he would be paid extra money for it.
    (ii) Wage structure divided under various heads: The wage structure is divided under various heads like provident fund, gratuity and various allowances. Employees get pension after retirement in organized sector.
  • Q. Why did France take up the idea of civilizing mission during mid-nineteenth century? Give one reason.
    To bring the benefits of civilization to the backward people of Vietnam.
    Ch-2, Nationalism in Indo-China Page no. 32
    Q. “Conservation of resource is vital for development.” Give one example regarding the statement.
    Conservation of resources- afforestation, water treatment.
    Geography, Page No.4
    Q. Describe the ideology of liberalism during early 19th century.
    i. Liberalism in the early 19thcentury stood for freedom for the individual and equality to all before law for the new middle classes.
    ii. Politically, it emphasised the concept of government by consent.
    iii. It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges. (Any other relevant point)
    Q. Establish the difference between Commercial farming and Subsistence farmingwith the help of a suitable example.
    A. Commercial Farming
    i.Use of higher doses of modern inputs like HYV seeds, fertilizers,etc.
    ii.Commercialization of agriculture varies from region to another
    iii. Plantation is also a type of commercial farming
    iv.Use ofwell-developed network of transport and communication
    v.High productivity for commercial purpose
    B. Subsistence Farming
    i. Is practiced on small patches of land
    ii. Labour intensive farming
    iii. Use of primitive tools
    iv. Dependent on Monsoons
    v. Called as ‘Slash and burn’ agriculture.
    vi. Low productivity (Any two to be mentioned in each unit)
    C. Example: Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab but in Odisha it is a subsistence crop.
    Some More Important Question
Question 1. Which power dominated the nation-building process in Germany?  (1)
Which idea, other than economic exploitation, was behind French colonisation of
Question 2. State an important characteristic of the oldest Japanese book, Diamond Sutra. (1)
State the hotly debated issue around which the novel Indulekha revolved.
Question 3. Wind energy received in abundance in western Rajasthan and Gujrat has not been so far utilised and developed to the maximum. It falls in which category of resources?  (1)
Question 4. Write any one prudential reason for which power sharing is desirable.  (1)
Question 5. Identify the condition when both the parties in a barter economy have to agree to sell and
buy each other‟s commodities? What is it called?  (1)
Question 6. A group of companies in India wishes to import high quality ACs from South Korea but have to pay a huge import tax on them which would make the ACs very expensive leading to a decline their sale. Ascertain the role of the import tax in this situation.  (1)
Question 7. Sania buys a packet of biscuits and finds detail about ingredients used, price, batch number etc. printed on it except the expiry date. Under which right of the consumers she can claim to know this information from the manufacturer?  (1)
Question 8. Ideas of national unity in early-nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of liberalism. What did it mean for the middle class in France? Explain. (3)
The French used school textbooks in Vietnam to justify colonial rule. Explain.
Question 9. “Not everyone welcomed the printed book, and those who did also had fears about it.” Justify the statement by giving three arguments. (3)
“Colonial administrators found „vernacular‟ novels a valuable source of information on native life and customs.” Prove the statement by giving three evidences.
Question 10. Explain any three reasons for which the multi-purpose projects and large dams have come under great scrutiny and opposition in the recent years. (3)
Question 11. Mohan owns a farm in Uttar Pradesh; he wishes to cultivate either Jute or Sugarcane. He shall cultivate which crop out of these two keeping in mind the conditions required for their growth? Explain. (3)
Question 12. Distinguish between the Unitary and Federal systems of government. (3)
Question 13. “Three factors are crucial in deciding the outcome of politics of social divisions.” Elaborate upon the statement. (3)
Question 14. Do democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens? Clarify. (3)
Question 15. Mohit is 28 years of age, has 65 kg of body weight and is 1.4 meters tall. Calculate his BMI. Find out whether he is under nourished or over weight. Why?  (3)
Question 16. Amrita is a government employee and belongs to a rich urban household whereas Rani works as a helper on a construction site and comes from a poor rural household. Both have a crisis at home and wish to take loan. Create a list of arguments explaining who between the two would successfully be able to get the loan from a formal source. Why?  (3)
Question 17. How can the government ensure that globalisation is fair and its benefits are shared in a better way by all? (3)
Question 18. Create an advertisement for an online Consumer Awareness campaign to help consumers know their rights and save themselves from exploitation. (3)
Question 19. Illustrate with examples that food offers many opportunities of long-distance cultural exchange.  (5)
“Even before factories began to dot the landscape in England and Europe, there was large-scale industrial production for an international market in the country side.” Elucidate.
“The function and the shape of the family were completely transformed by life in the industrial city.” Clarify the statement with regard to urbanization that happened in England in the 18th century.
Question 20. How did people belonging to different communities, regions or language groups in India develop a sense of collective belonging? Elucidate.  (5)
How did the Non-Cooperation Movement spread to the countryside and drew into its fold the struggles of peasants and tribal communities? Elaborate.
Question 21. Describe the significance of Textile Industry in India with specific reference to Cotton industry.  (5)
Question 22. India has one of the largest road networks in the world, aggregating to about 2.3 million km at present. On what basis roadways have taken an edge over railways? Explain. (5)
“The pace of change has been rapid in modern times and has impacted the ways of communication as well.” In light of the given statement explain the role of a variety of means of communication that are used in India in the currents times.
Question 23. Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways even today. Assess the statement by giving five suitable arguments. (5)
Question 24. Political parties fill political offices and exercise political power. But they do this by performing a series of important functions. Describe any five of them.  (5)
Political parties need to face and overcome a number of challenges in order to remain effective instruments of democracy. Write about any two of such challenges while citing appropriate examples.
Question 25. Rohan works in a bank as a clerk while Sumit works on a construction site as a labourer. Describe difference in their conditions of work and judge the benefits and drawbacks of
working in the respective sectors. (5)
Reema works as a shift technician in Mehta Textiles Ltd. whereas Shirin works as a Sales Executive in Kashvi Fashion Showroom. Identify the sectors of economy in which Reema and Shirin are working. Evaluate the role of each of these sectors in the Indian economy.